5 apps to help you maximize your time and boost productivity

In any business, staying on top of tasks and deadlines is key. But this is usually easier said than done, since we are all juggling multiple to-dos. The good news is there are some great tools that can help you stay organized, boost efficiency and find more time in your jam packed work day. From… Continue reading 5 apps to help you maximize your time and boost productivity

5 effective strategies to close your deals more quickly

With today’s access to a world of information, purchasing decisions are being more thoroughly researched and as a result, are taking longer. Have you tweaked your sales strategy to deal with this changing sales model? Striking that perfect balance between being persuasive without coming on too strong can be challenging, but careful planning and a… Continue reading 5 effective strategies to close your deals more quickly

Is Youngsplaining the New Mansplaining?

Move over Mansplaining, there’s a new trend afoot. Youngsplaining (or what academics tend to refer to as ageism) is becoming rampant, and you just may be engaging in it without even being aware of it. To see if you’re guilty of this, ask yourself this:  when you think of the 55+ demographic which of the… Continue reading Is Youngsplaining the New Mansplaining?

What NOT to do when talking to your 55+ clients

The research is in: it seems many of us don’t know the 55+ Canadian as well as we think we do. In fact, a recent Brainsights study showed that the age bias is causing most marketers to completely miss the mark when addressing this demographic. With 11 million Canadians falling into the fastest growing consumer… Continue reading What NOT to do when talking to your 55+ clients